Captain Django and the Lemurian Beerrustlers

Cpt.Dj had a bad time at this outpost on Lemuria, a hot and wet jungleplanet in a far away,
forgotten corner of the milkyway.
He watched freightshuttles landing and with great joy he realised, they carried liquidcontainers.
Surely the long awaited beersupply.Immideatly him and his sarge jumped into the hoverjeep
and headed for the pub.
Little did they know tho, that deep in the jungle,Lemurian beerrustlers were waiting for their chance.
The Battledogs

Early next morning, Cpt.Dj was woken up by one of his men.
He was given the bad news that overnight, native lemurian beerrustlers had emptied the tanks of the freightshuttles.
If they could not find the base of those vile creatures, him and his men would have to wait another month for a new supply of this precious,golden liquid.
With a bad hangover the 4`th squadron, the famous and most feared"Battledogs" (Second U.P. Spacemarine Division)
boarded their Battlehawk bombers and started right into the rising morning sun of lemuria, on a mission they regarded utmost important.
The thrusters of his deadly machine gave Cpt.Dj a big headache ...but for sure...
he would find that secret base deep in the jungle and get back the beer.
The headache was killing him, but he would not give up that easy..
Snort the Beerrustler

Snort, the native Lemurian Beerrustler was cought in the act as Cpt.Dj stormed the hut.
The Recon-Mission had been a success, after detecting the location of the camp, Cpt.Dj and his men fought themselfs through the moist and dense jungle.
Loudlessly they entered the camp of these evil creatures and took them by surprise.
Snort begged for his life, telling Cpt.Dj there was a reason for this theft, and a good one.
If he and his people did not have a secure beer supplie their snouts and legs would tremble in an extent to make it impossible for them to hunt and eat.. and they would have to starve miserably.
Looking at his own trembling hands Cpt.Dj understood poor Snort and a warm feeling of friendship and resemblance overcame him.
He withdrew his blaster, sat down, and shared a beer with that alien creature that shortly before he had considers beeing his meanest enemy.
With the ethanol soothing their minds, Snort and Cpt.Dj started developing a plan. There must be a solution to this problem , pleasing both cultures..
The end of Captain Django and the Lemurian Beerrustlers